Weddings & Funerals
Weddings and funerals are significant points of passage. The church places those moments under the canopy of the Holy Spirit, so that we might both glorify God and find strength and direction for the change.
Few things create as much emotion as these moments of transition in life. At FPC, we work to ensure that all weddings celebrate that joy as we honor and worship God within worship of the community of faith. To schedule a wedding, contact a pastor who will guide you through the process. You will work closely with our Music Director and our Wedding Guild team members who are guided by our wedding policy to create a faithful, wondrous service. For those dealing with a loss, FPC reaches out to the bereaved with pastoral care and with the sympathetic support of the congregation. In addition to assisting with planning the service, pastors are ready to help the family with their grief by considering difficult decisions or thinking through matters of theology and faith.