What to Expect on Sunday Morning

What time does worship start?

During the school year, each Sunday we worship corporately in two distinctly styled services. At 8:45am, casual community gathers in our Fellowship Building called Clark Hall for Early Light, a relaxed, creative and more informal service which lasts about 45 minutes. Expect visual projection, praise music and concluding our service with a large circle of the gathered family of faith. Our 11:00am, sanctuary service features the familiar elements of Reformed Presbyterian tradition with a full complement of choirs, musicians and organ. Here you can experience the wonder of God through honored reverence and thoughtful, joyful congregational responses. It lasts about an hour. In the summer, we gather for one service, at 10:00am. The summer services are more informal so feel free to dress more casually. There is a lemonade fellowship during the summer following worship.

Where can I park?

We have two parking lots. You are welcome to use either. The Sanctuary Parking lot is on the west side. The Education Building Lot, on the east side, is best for handicap access. Look for the signs at each entrance to direct you.

When is Childcare Available?

Our Sunday morning nursery for infants and toddlers is staffed by consistent, loving caregivers. During the schoolyear, nursery hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. During the summer, nursery hours are 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Could I bring my child to worship?

Children are absolutely welcome in worship! During the schoolyear, every Sunday, the 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. service includes a children's message: a brief story and prayer with our children. After this message, children age of 3 - 1st grade may choose to attend an age-appropriate Bible story and activity time led by trained volunteers during the remaining portion of worship.

How do people dress?

You’ll find people more casually dressed at the 8:45 a.m. service; some men wear ties, some ladies wear dresses, but jeans and shorts are common. Dress at 11:00 a.m. tends to be “dressier.” We believe that God cares far more about your heart than your fashion, so we encourage you to dress in a way that honors God and is comfortable for you.

Can anyone take communion during the worship service?

Yes. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is a gift of God. The invitation comes from Christ, so we don't want to stand in the way. Communion is celebrated weekly at the 8:45am Early Light service and on special "high church" Sundays at the 11:00am Sanctuary service. During Early Light, communion is served by intinction. This means that people come forward (if able) and tear off a piece of bread and then dip it in the cup of wine (it’s actually grape juice), then eat it when they are ready. If coming forward presents a problem, that’s OK; the communion servers will come to you. In most cases, communion is passed along the pews in our Sanctuary Service.

Will I be asked to give money during worship?

Like most churches, we receive a financial offering at every worship service. As our guest, it is our expectation that you will not participate. We believe that giving money, as well as time and talent, is an appropriate response to God’s activity in our lives. Offerings are our chance to give back to God and to support God’s work in the world. If you’d like to give in this spirit, please do. An opportunity to give is always extended in worship.

How will my money be used?

The Session, the church’s governing body, is responsible for receiving and allocating the financial offerings of the church. Our expenses are distributed in ways that are fairly typical for a church our size: salaries, program costs, utilities and maintenance, and support for local and global missions.

Will I be asked to do something?

Visitors won’t be singled out or made to feel uncomfortable in any way. Our pastors and church leaders are available at the doors after services to greet visitors and answer any questions. You are encouraged to leave us information on the CONNECT Card - name, address, email, etc.

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