About Us

Who We Are

Organized in 1885, First Presbyterian is a lively church with a long history. First and foremost, we are a family of faith, a body of believers who have differing church backgrounds and come from a variety of places. Still, we find common ground in our joint efforts to follow Christ as he calls us. Denominationally, we are a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). This places us in a heritage of churches who trace their roots to the Protestant Reformation of the 1600s. In an even larger sense, though, we are part of and connected to the universal fellowship of believers who trust in God, acknowledging the powerful work of a Creator, professing faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, and trusting in the sustaining power of the Holy Spirit. Presbyterian Church U.S.A.

What We Believe

Jesus Christ is the light of our lives and the light of this world. Through Christ, we experience a new life – both on this side of death and beyond it. We believe that this gift of Christ is a generous gift of a loving God and not the result of how we are, what we do or even how fervently we believe.

We affirm that we are not called to this new life independently, but that we are called to a community of believers where we learn to lean on, listen to and hold each other accountable. You will notice an organizational structure that lacks bishops or levels of office. Instead, we elect our leadership and then prayerfully ordain them for tasks to which they feel called. In worship, you will hear us speak of God as Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the ancient language that affirms the depth and breadth of God. You will see us share in time-honored sacraments of communion and baptism.

Church is changing. Denominational structures are shifting. Still, Presbyterians in the 21st century have a vision of ministry that is vibrant, inviting, and reflects the love and justice of God. As we witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the world, Presbyterians engage in mission activities, work to alleviate hunger, respond to disasters, preach the gospel, heal the sick, educate new generations for the future, and seek to be good stewards of all of God’s gifts in creation.

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